Up to now I haven't spoke much about myself as only sharing here some of my art work and freebies for you. Since I could remember I were interested in art although career wise I were working in an administrative environment which is now at a turning point and reached its tole! I most definitely need to switch over to new and bigger realms ... a new "recipe" with art as the main ingredient.
Well, I am almost there to fulfill my dream and passion! End 2010, I am going to greet farewell my first career and starting with the second "career" in the field of art. Since 1998, I were introduced to computer art which I discovered by playing around with MS Paint as part of the Windows package but soon thereafter realised it's not quite what I had in mind and the possibilities were very limited. After installed a program called 'NeoPaint for Windows' the possibilities become slightly bigger with the more use of textures and effects which MS Paint could not deliver. Then I've installed 'PictureMan Painter' from Stoik and although quite the same as NeoPaint it delivered some extra features. And some time later follow the king of art related programs as 'CorelDraw' which really got me hooked for quite a long time. This was such a great tool as the features were endless and I could just deliver stunning images within that program. But 2D is only what it is ... 2D! Flat images with fake shadows to try giving it a 3D feel. Well, it is really not the same as true 3D. I saw lots of fantastic art done in 3D ... and then follow searching for 3D programs, but the one is more expensive than the other with the smaller cheaper programs, also not fitting my low income pocket!
I bought on a monthly basis computer magazines such as PC Format and some overseas issues as they have cover CD's with quite useful programs for free. And in 2004 one of these CD's had included 'VueD'Esprit3Mover' - a full 3D program! But I must admit it was not easy as I had taught myself from scratch to work with it and it took me quite some weeks to understand how the 3D camera in itself works! But oh boy, that was such a great time when I'd finally cracked its working and I am lately more interested in 3D than anything else. But since 2D is where I will be making money from (for starters) I have to carry with it on too! How can I make money from that you will maybe ask!? Have you ever noticed how big scrapbooking has grown over the world in the last years? Yes, that is one of the ways I can use 2D for ... creating scrapbook layouts, photo albums, invitations, brochures, adverts, even handouts for businesses and business cards and stationery. Actually it is just endless! But 3D I can also thrown in here by adding that images too to give it just another touch.
My styles are more related to Victorian, Edwardian, Antique and Vintage/Grungy and so on, than Retro/modern. But I am planning to do any style a prospective client or person wants me to create for them. And the freebies ... oh how I love to make these gifts! It is just a joy to make something another can use. But I am currently only making these goodies (some you will see if you scroll down the pages) for personal use only. Maybe later I can start making them for commercial use too ... but I first want to read more about this factor on the Net and get advice about copyright and whatever purpose.
You are very welcome to have a look around and grab the freebies for your needs. Just remember you need a program such as Paint Shop Pro (which I use) or Photoshop to be able to use these freebies. The elements/shapes and alpha's (alphabet letters and numbers) I offer here for free are in .png format and can be read in both mentioned programs. The download links will take you to 4Shared where the files are hosted. Please leave comments, either here or at 4Shared, if you download. Happy scrapping and designing ... and enjoy what you do!
God Bless,